July Update

I am wanting to be sure I take time to post more updates here. I like the idea of weekly updates but also know who I am as a person. I've got a few minor updates about RE:Wound and just a quick note on what else I'm working on.

More Coming Soon to RE:Wound

Firstly, I have a new set of puzzles I've just finished up testing for with RE:Wound. They will take place in the start of the game rather than being a general sample as the current set are. Fairly simple puzzles, they do not require the device or wall jumping to complete and should make for a good space to get use to moving around, and interacting with some of the more basic puzzle elements. I'm hoping to keep these areas shorts though as I do want to allow players to quickly get into the meat of the game. Currently, I do not intend to share builds of these as I did the new puzzles recently, rather I'm going to be focusing more on creating some tools to help collect media to show off as I continue to work on future puzzles.

As For Now,

After I have the new tool set I'll be sharing more and more sneak peaks into RE:Wound, both with playable demos and screenshots. The next playable demo should come along once I start getting more audio added into the project, though that may not be until after next month. In August, I'm hoping to participate in a game jam and that will take away some of my time from RE:Wound. I look forward to the learning opportunity of a new jam, RE:Wound came from a game jam, and the core concept of it was not something I would have considered on my own. Hopefully with a new jam I'll learn a few new tricks that can be made into mechanics for RE:Wound. As for now, I'm taking a trip out of state soon and I am planning to livestream some development before I do. I'll be working on either RE:Wound, or a small WebGL side project I think I could finish on stream.

Remember to check out RE:Wound if you haven't yet, and keep an eye out for more coming soon, as well as the stream!

Get RE:Wound


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I’m so stoked to revisit this. I’ve got a few things to work on but after that, I’m definitely checking out the update.